28 November 2009

Inventing the invented pt. 2


Jason has made some serious headway on the site. Not much is evident to the public right now, but trust me, it's cool. Be sure to check out the new image on the front page, including some mysterious symbols... What ever could they mean?

Visit the Earth's Fall official web site here.

Inventing the invented

Hey everybody, Tom here.

I invented something the other day that was discovered many, many years ago and has been used by literally millions of people over the ages. But since this is a first for me, I am officially claiming it.

I learned how to make talk bubbles!

It’s ok, no, no you don’t need to give me any awards or accolades.

Anyway, that’s what I’ve got for you... Oh, and this: Barry finished his first page the other day. It looks amazing, and we’re right on schedule.

Expect to hear more from us soon after Christmas as we ramp up our marketing effort. We will of course need your help spreading the gospel of Earth’s Fall to every corner of the world ahead of our Spring launch.

Until then, keep on believing.

13 November 2009

Phoenician fun

On Wikipedia, I found this example of a Phoenician religious inscription (with a translation):
Conveniently, "...while the inscription can certainly be read, certain passages are philologically uncertain on account of perceived complications of syntax and the vocabulary employed in the inscription, and as such they have become the source of debate among both Semitists and Classicists." —Jason

Editor's note: Phoenician will likely be used as a base language for some ancient texts which play a vital role in the comic's plot. See a portion of the translated text HERE.

11 November 2009

Art and music

In honor of our ever-growing media empire, Earth's Fall is pleased to introduce the official songwriter for the comic: Hero for Hire

02 November 2009

Micah version 1

Here is an early sketch of the youngest member of the Pawlak family. Enjoy!

01 November 2009

Earth's Fall staff intro


Help me come up with something to put on a t-shirt under this picture. Winner will get a free t-shirt (if we ever make any)!

31 October 2009

Listen to the prophet

A pivotal part of the Earth's Fall story revolves around an ancient prophecy. Below is an excerpt from the recently translated text; enjoy:

At first there was the sky.

The heavens danced and sang with life, but the earth below was silent.

And in the silence there was sorrow, unknowable to the heavens.

The earth cried in its silence, until finally the heavens cried too.

These tears and this glorious noise of sorrow were the birth of man.

And so it is to this day that man shall be born in the midst of tears into life.

***(missing portion of text)***

And as the lands were filled with man, so too were they filled with hatred and mistrust.

This made the rulers of the sky sorrowful, leading at last to their arrival.

So the great gods on the heavens set upon man the yoke of government, teaching all to follow the true and righteous path.

But many resisted, and the rulers dealt harshly with this ignorance.

29 October 2009


There's something strange happening on the web... What ever could it be?!?!

Earth's Fall .com

28 October 2009

Barry's process

I talked with Barry for a little bit today over IM about his process for creating a drawing characters. He’s been at it for about 15 years now, but this is the first formal comic he has done.

Tom: where do you get ideas for characters, how do you start?

Barry: Ugh. It's fairly random. I can usually hack something out.

Tom: well, if I were to ask you how you do it, what would you tell me?

Barry: 1st I have to decide which gender the character is. That determines a lot aside from general shapes, such as posing, hairstyles, eye shape/placement etc.

Tom: so you've settled on Suzanne as a woman, then what?

Barry: If there is already character traits for them that greatly influences dress, how they hold themselves, how their facial expressions will work. Details are more of a sporadic impulse of what I think works at that time. If it doesn't work I nix it the next try.

Tom: how long have you been actively drawing, in the sense that you worked specifically on comic illustrations?

Barry: At least 15 yrs. Before that I tried to imitate anime I was watching. I didn't really get into comics until I borrowed X-Men #17. That's when I started to learn anatomy and better techniques drawing people. Very little towards storytelling illustrations. A few paltry half/over hearted attempts. I got "The New Official Marvel Try-Out Book," thinking I would use it to break into comics. I did get about a page and a half done. Some reason I couldn't push myself past the pinup illustrations. Great for cover art or character study.

Tom: how do you feel right now?

Barry: I'm not going to get anything done tonight. Whoever's upstairs is blaring their music, it sounds as if it's at 11 right next to each ear. I am nursing a growing, throbbing, rage-filled headache. 3 hrs and going strong.

27 October 2009

A beginning, middle and an end

Hi all, Tom here.

I wanted to take a minute to fill you in on my philosophy on storytelling, and how this will shape Earth's Fall.

I don't believe in ongoing sagas and the never ending story. There's nothing wrong with this style of story telling, and if a writer and/or illustrator is happy doing the same thing for the rest of their life, so be it. I can not do this.

To that end, in the case of Earth's Fall at least, the storyline is already set.

It will be presented in three books. I have no idea how long each book will take to create, but it will be limited and subject to a specific story arch. In fact, on my computer right now is a document which contains the entire storyline spelled out in detail. This is my guide for what will be a multi-year story telling process.

This type of story has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, in a very sort span of years the crew who are putting this thing together will be out of work again. Of course that does free us up to follow other interests as well, this is a strength of the process.

I also look forward to never wondering "what comes next?" I have often been critical of The X-Files, probably because I loved the show so intensely for so long. But I also felt like the writers were kind of just making it up as they went along. That lack of direction, and pressure to go on forever, led to some awful TV, especially at the end of the series.

My hope is that when Earth's Fall wraps up the public will wish for more, not less, of the story.

An example I always look towards for good storytelling is Tolkien's Lord of the Ring series. He had the original trilogy, and then a bunch of appendices and prequels, which is great fun. But the specific story he set out to tell ended at a specific time and in a specific fashion. I have to imagine when Tolkien started writing, he knew exactly where all the characters would end up.

So if I have a point with this blog entry, it is to say: enjoy Earth's Fall for what it is, but get it quick, cause it wont last forever!


We bought our domain today, so yay for us!

There's nothing there yet, but by purchasing it now it eliminates any possibility of someone else grabbing it up before we have a chance.

As soon as there is content you, dear readers, will be the first to know. We will also likely be looking for some beta testers to try out the site on various browsers as we approach launch, so be sure to let us know if you're interested in that.

p.s. Web site's aren't free, so if you're feeling helpful please click on the "donate" button and drop a couple coins in the hat. Thanks!

25 October 2009

Initial web design

here's something Jason sketched out over dinner. Tell us what you think:

Introducing: Jason Marshall

In addition to Barry's character designs and Tom's marketing plans and constant blog updates, the crew is also considering their options for a full web site to host the comic once it launches.

To that end, allow me to introduce the third M in the Miller, Munson camp: Mr. Jason Marshall (he's the one on the left).

Jason is going to handle our web stuff and be generally amazing.

With Mr. Marshall on board, it begs the question "What should we call our company?" I (Tom) suggested 3M, but for some reason no one else was excited about that.

We're open to suggestions; e-mail us your ideas at

Fresh faces

Here is a new take on Marcus Pawlak by Barry. This one features a softer cheek line than before, but still with the classic glasses. He needs to get this one right since he'll be drawing the guy for the rest of his life!

Here we have Suzanne Hartford-Pawlak, Marc's wife. She is is dressed conservatively here, we'll see where Barry takes her.

Music choices

Tom here,

I'm into music, and it's kind of serious. So I just thought you should know that as Barry and I were working today, the new record from Kings of Convenience was on the player.

It's called "Declaration of Dependence," and you should check it out. Thanks!

More Barry workin'

He's very focused when he's working, it's best not to disturb him.

Here he's working on an initial design for Suzanne Hartford-Pawlak,
wife of Marcus Pawlak. She may, or may not be a hottie.
(ok, she's a hottie, I admit it!)

Now accepting donations

As with any venture, we will have startup expenses.

With this in mind, we will accept donations through Paypal to help us get off the ground.

It's easy, just click on the "Donate" button on the upper right side of this page and follow the instructions.

At this time we really don't have anything to give back to you for donating. But if you are a believer in the benefits of a good story and some great art, help out wont you?

We will periodically publish lists of our supporters, so be sure to let us know if you would prefer to remain anonymous. And thank you in advance for your support.


24 October 2009

Meeting tomorrow

The Miller-Munson team is having a big meeting tomorrow afternoon to assess where we're at. I should have some more stuff, perhaps character designs, to post tomorrow night.

Stay tuned.

22 October 2009

Some dialog

At a long dark bar where sun only comes through when someone opens the front door, the two men sit at a tall table chatting. Feel free to change angles and have them intermittently take a drink or something.

Pawlak: “...Now, it’s not so much the bad dreams, I feel like I’ve accepted those as a fact of life, it’s more the fear of the bad dreams.”

Gostuf: “I don’t follow.” 

Pawlak: “Well, think of it this way, if you were told that for every meal for the rest of your life you could only have a baloney sandwich, don’t you think you’d dread eating after a while?”

Gostuf: “I suppose.”

Pawlak: “I know exactly what I’m going to dream every night for the rest of my life, and I guess I’m tired of dreaming.”

Gostuf: “So what’s your solution, never sleep again?”

Pawlak: “It’s working so far.”

Gostuf: “Uh-huh, some how what I saw in your office was not you making it work.”

21 October 2009

A question

Who is Marcus Pawlak?

Barry's Influences and Current Interest

Michael Turner
Frank Cho
Mikimoto Haruhiko
Fred Gallagher

Uncanny X-Men
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8


House, M.D.
30 Rock

Tom’s current read/watch/listen list October 2009

The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil
Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72 by Hunter S. Thompson
Definitive Short Story Collection by Ernest Hemmingway

Y: The Last Man
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8

Ghost Hunters
The Office
30 Rock

Scars by Basement Jaxx
The E.N.D. by Black Eyed Peas
Hazards of Love by The Decemberists
I Told You I was Freaky by Flight of the Conchords
The Midnight Organ Fight by Frightened Rabbit
Boys and Girls in America by The Hold Steady
Monsters of Folk by Monsters of Folk
Wild Young Hearts by Noisettes
Ocean Eyes by Owl City
Pop by U2
It’s Blitz! By Yeah Yeah Yeahs

20 October 2009

An introduction

Hi everybody, Tom here.

Myself, along with illustrator Barry Miller, are in the initial stages of creating a new web-based comic titled "Earth's Fall," which will explore humanity’s role on this planet and beyond.

In the coming months both Barry and I will be updating you on our progress. Until then, please check back often for updates and goodies.

Until next time, beware the man who has nothing to lose.

-- C. Thomas Munson